How to upgrade your drums

¿What is the most important thing that you have to change to improve your sound?

As beginner drummers we have asked ourselves that more than once. When we start, we don't have very expensive kits so the sound is not very good at all. Now we're going to show you what's very important to change and upgrade.

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Snare reso head::

¿Have you ever heard that annoying buzz when you hit a tom? If you do, you better change your snare reso head and you will get beetter results. This is because this head works with the snare wires. You should mind changing them too. Also You can tune your drums or some things like that if you don't want to buy one, but it won't make the same effect.


Some people prefer to change the drum's batter heads instead first, but for us the cymbals are a little more important because they can't be tuned like them. You shold try changing your hi-hat first because cheap kits usually don't come with a good one.

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Batter Heads:

Changing your batter heads will improve your sound significantly because cheap kits usually don't bring good ones. We have not much to say here because this is highly recommended by a lot of drummers.
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It seems to be the most underrated part of the drum. Changing your seat will improve you posture and comfort so you can play for longer periods. It will also improve your double pedal drumming techinque.
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The snare:

If your snare sounds horrible even if you tried new heads, possibly it's time to change it. You may have it mind before changing anything else.
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The stands:

Besides improving your sound, you have to be comfortable too. There are different types of stands and the thing here is not finding one scarely expensive but one which gives you the comfort that you need to play well.

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